Devil May Cry Wiki

Devil May Cry 2

Note: Codes must be entered for Dante and Lucia discs separately.

Purpose Code
Unlock Normal mode clear bonuses
  • Mission select
  • Diesel costume (Dante)
  • Diesel costume A (Lucia)
  • Bloody Palace[note 1]
  • Hard mode[note 1]
On title screen, input
on PlayStation: L3, R3, L1, R1, L2, R2, L3, R3
on Xbox: left stick, right stick, LT, RT, LB, RB, left stick, right stick
until a sound is heard.
Unlock Hard mode clear bonuses
  • Trish (Dante)
  • Diesel costume B (Lucia)
  • Trish (Lucia)[note 1]
  • Must Die mode[note 1]
With Normal mode cleared or previous code entered
On title screen, hold
on PlayStation: L3, R3, L1, R2
on Xbox: left stick, right stick, LT, RB
for 5 seconds until a sound is heard.
Unlock Must Die mode clear bonuses
  • DMC costume (Dante)
  • Secretary (Lucia)
With Hard mode cleared or previous code entered
On title screen, input
on PlayStation: Button ps4 triangle, Button ps4 square, Button PS4 Dpad Right, Button PS4 Dpad Up, Button PS4 Dpad Left, Button PS4 Dpad Down, L3, R3, Button ps4 cross, Button ps4 circle
on Xbox: Button xbone y, Button xbone x, Button xbone ls-right, Button xbone ls-up, Button xbone ls-left, Button xbone ls-down, left stick, right stick, Button xbone a, Button xbone b
until a sound is heard.
Infinite Devil Trigger On the character select screen, hold
on PlayStation: L1 + R1 + L2 + R2
on Xbox: LT + RT + LB + RB
until the stage starts.
Can be used during story Missions or Bloody Palace.


  • On the PS3/Xbox360 version, only EU copies of the game allow players to use this code.
  • On the PS4/Xbox One version, all game regions are able to use this code by changing the system's language to French or Chinese.

Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition

Purpose Code
Unlock everything On the title screen, hold L1 + R1 + R2 + L2 + up (d-pad) + left (d-pad) then pull L3 to the right and rotate it downwards on PlayStation or hold LT + RT + RB + LB + up (d-pad) + left (d-pad) then pull the left stick to the right and rotate it downwards on Xbox.

Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition

Purpose Code
Play Using the Original Game Settings
  • Console: On the title screen (where "Press Any Button" is displayed) hold L1 and R2 on PS4 or LB and RT on Xbox One, and turn the left stick clockwise twice, then turn the right stick clockwise twice, then press the left and right stick buttons together to bring up the settings confirmation window.
  • PC: On the title screen (where "Press Any Button" is displayed) type in "devilmaycry" using the keyboard to bring up the settings confirmation window.


  • No saved data must be present in order to activate the code, if there is any data, it must be deleted.
  • Likewise, in order to deactivate the original settings, the saved data must be deleted.

Devil May Cry 5

Purpose Code
Play with Dante's short hair from Mission 10 During the costume select screen for Dante, hold all shoulder buttons (R1 + R2 + L1 + L2 on PS4 or RT + RB + LT + LB on Xbox One), then select a costume.





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Code must be entered for both Dante and Lucia