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Okay first you'll be given a round about view of the savior. after that's over go to your right and there will be a SSS combat adjudicator for Nero, after that keep going and you'll find a wheel puzzle. Hit that and some grim grips will appear you can use those to get to the next floor of the level. then you got some demons to fight (yay it's the Mephistos and a Faust!). k you can take those thing's cloaks down with your devil bringer after that just go jason voorhees on them. the barrier will be broken and there will be a switch hit it and an elevator will come to take you to the next floor of the level. a teleporter thing will appear but ignore that. go to your right and there will be a gate and a stone tablet the tablet says that one cannot go thru alone. so step on the platform and use your devil bringer to bring a scarecrow towards you onto the other platform the gate will open and then you just kill the demons.

then you go up the stairs and you'll see another elevator and a divinity statue. the elevator doesn't have a switch but if you walk onto it you'll get some red orbs. go to the divinity statues if necessary then walk towards the gap. there will be some grim grips for you to use to get to the other side [it may take a few times]. then once your over the wall walk towards the other gap 2 of the grim grips will be moving up and down this is a lot harder to preform then the last one. if you fail at this one you get 1. a devil star(s) and 2. some Bianco Angelos defeat them to continue. it may still take a few tries to get across but no more enemies for now. once you get over the wall an Alto Angelo will appear after you defeat him hit the wheel thingy and some grim grips will appear. use them top go higher. a switch will be there hit it and a barrier will appear around the surrounding area. some Bianco Angelos will appear after you defeat one an Alto Angelo will appear defeat them the elevator from before will appear. you now need to go all the way back to that floor. some more teleporters will appear but ignore them. a whole lotta demons will be waiting for you so you can ether ignore them and go on the elevator of fight them and get a heck lotta red orbs and a whole lotta points. go onto the elevator and you'll be at the first Sanctus boss battle!

Boss: Sanctus

Advent Chamber Savior

Nero and Sanctus battling on top of the Advent Chamber

This is a fairly straightforward fight. Sanctus hovers in the air above you with two small demonic orbs and sends a small variety of energy attacks either at you, or around himself. These are generally easy to avoid by simply jumping, but the one where beams appear all around Sanctus are tricky. Sometimes, the small demonic globes launch at you as well, but are easy to avoid.

The key is to use Snatch on the small globes to pull yourself toward him, and attack the blue shield surrounding his body. Once that blue shield is gone, he will be vulnerable to a few more hits before falling to the ground, where you can do the most damage to him. When he does lose his shield though, he will fly back and around faster making it harder for you to catch him, so keep using Snatch on his globes and him then knock him to the ground.

On the ground, it's best to use the strongest possible move before he disappears and regenerates his shield. In D.T., use Summoned Swords while charging up either Maximum Bet or Showdown, or use Red Queen Combo 2 or 3 in either DT or Regular form to do some damage, then use Buster to launch a series of attacks on him, pressing the shoot button during this to keep sending summoned swords. When the attack is finished, Sanctus will hover in the air and bring back his shield in a blast of energy that will knock you back if you are near. Repeat the same strategy, and when his vitality boss gauge is aout 2/3 depleted, a cutscene will ensue and he will enter The Savior. Once the cutscene finishes, The Savior will slam its fist on you and Sanctus will emerge and regenerate his shield again. In the event you take the blow, simply attack Sanctus with the same pattern again. But in the case where you've seen this before, time it right, and use Buster to smack the Savior's hand away and Sanctus will fall out unprotected. At this point, more combos, and a finish with Buster is sure to defeat him.


  • The name of the level is a possible reference to Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy. In the poem, the 9th circle of Hell is the circle of Treachery.


Darksoul I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with liiiiiiiiiiight!
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