Devil May Cry Wiki
Divinity Statue

The Divinity Statue is a statue which appears within every Devil May Cry game. It bears the likeness of the omniscient god of time and space, which remembers all of history.[1] If it is offered the blood of demons, it will bestow the player with the "ancient ways of war", i.e., combat techniques, Items, and certain Orbs.[2] In most of the games, Red Orbs are the only currency used, while in Devil May Cry 4 they can only be used to buy Items and Orbs, while Proud Souls are used to buy abilities. In general, purchases are permanent, and buying Items will in fact cause their prices to go up to a certain limit. However, in Devil May Cry 4, though the prices of all techniques rise as more of them are purchased, they can also be fully refunded after every mission, returning the prices to their previous state. This allows players to customize their technique set for each mission, even if they are poor in Proud Souls.


  • The Divinity Statue bears some resemblance to the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet, who had a lion's head. Though Sekhmet is a goddess of war, she is not associated with dominion over time and space, and so is unlikely to be the basis of the statues.

Notes and references

  1. Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening: "A statue of the omniscient god of time and space. By offering it demon blood, one can attain the power of the ancient magic clans."
  2. Devil May Cry: "This statue must be the watcher of time. This god knows and remembers all of the past. The words of this god are engraved, "Those who desire to acquire the ancient ways of war shall offer the blood of monsters in exchange." It’s not responding. I’d better unseal the door beneath here first!"