Dr. Faust is one of Dante's weapons in Devil May Cry 5, created and given to him by Nico. It is the weaponized form of a Faust.
Dr. Faust is a white cow-boy stetson hat with a black braided hat band that has 6 red spiky scales on the left side of the band and the hat itself seem to have 2 eyes on the crown above the band, it use Red Orbs to launch special attacks. Earn tons of Red Orbs from foes if you don't run out of your own first.
- Nico's Weapon Report - Dr. Faust
- I built this here Devil Arm based off Daddy's old research. Got the name Faust from the demon I based this design concept off of.
- It fires crystallized demon blood like bullets...y'know, Red Orbs? I also made sure it causes any demon it hits to cough up a butt-load of blood.
- Amazing, ain't it!? You'd have to be a few beers short of a six-pack to pass up a Devil Arm like this.
Dr. Faust is built around a risk/reward mechanic, in that it uses the player's Red Orbs to power most of its attacks. The flame-edged scarf Dante wears while Dr. Faust is equipped acts as a visual representation of Dante's remaining Red Orbs, changing length to show how many he has. The more Dr. Faust is powered up, the more Red Orbs the player will both gain and expend while using it.
Its basic fire mode resembles a machine gun, with rapid fire and a fair amount of spread. This expends Red Orbs rapidly, but if fired at close range it will liberate more Orbs than it costs to fire it.
The moves "Set Hat" and "Mad Hatter" will place a hat on any enemy they strike. While wearing a hat, enemies will drop Red Orbs in a similar manner to a Red Empusa when struck with any other weapon, but will also make Dante drop Red Orbs if he takes damage from them. "Hat Trick" can be executed when the hat returns: if it is performed, all enemies given hats will be thrown directly towards Dante.
The move "Man in the Red" creates a swirling cloud of Red Orb crystals orbiting around Dante that will hit any enemies that move close to him, and can be very powerful if used properly. It is, however, quite expensive. The "finish" will fire the orbs forward, or at any enemy Dante is targeting at the time.
Magic Hat creates a ghost-like companion that will hover around and automatically target enemies with weak gunfire.
Red Hot Night is Dr. Faust's ultimate attack: at full power it summons a barrage of gigantic Red Orb meteors that will devastate both the enemy's health and the player's wallet. It takes a significant time to charge to full power, and a full charge costs 150,000 Red Orbs. If Dante is hit after the player releases the button but before the attack animation completes, the meteors will fail to appear but the Red Orbs will still be deducted.
If the number of Red Orbs spent on Red Shot, Magic Hat, or Red Hot Night amounts to certain digit combinations, the player can be rewarded with Red Orbs, as well as other bonuses – number consisting of 3 or more of the same digit (111 etc.) is rewarded with thrice the amount spent, number consisting of 3 or more consecutive digits (123 etc.) is rewarded with twice the amount spent, if 666 was spent, reward will be
6666 and completely replenished DT Gauge, and if
777 was spent, reward will be
7777 and completely replenished Vitality Gauge.[1]
The weapon takes its name from Faust, a figure from German mythology famed for making a deal with the Devil, exchanging his soul for knowledge and worldly pleasures. The name references both Faust and Doctor Faustus, the first stage play adaptation of the legend. Dr. Faust represents a similar "deal with the Devil" in terms of trading Orbs for powerful attacks.
When Dr. Faust was revealed at the New York Comic-Con 2018, it was named "Faust Hat" instead.[2]
- The in-canon explanation of the name is in reference to the cowboy hat worn by the Faust demon in the previous game: The demon's hat was of the wide-brimmed black type typically associated with villains in Westerns: Dr. Faust is more typical of a "good guy" hat, being white and narrow-brimmed.

One of the animations Dante performs after using the "Hat Trick" skill makes him pose like the iconic Michael Jackson dance move.
- The way Dante poses with the hat is a tribute to legendary pop star Michael Jackson, by coincidence, Devil May Cry 5 released 10 years since his death.
- Producer Matthew Walker stated in an interview that the moves are actually a reference to a "pop star in Japan that would wear a hat like that and basically copped Michael Jackson's dance moves".[3]
- ↑ Devil May Cry 5 Official Complete Guide. p. 55.
- ↑ Devil May Cry 5 - NYCC 2018 Panel
- ↑ DMC5's Matt Walker talks Crew Cut, Turbo Mode, inertia and Dante dance - Reno Gazette Journal, 9 March 2019