Devil May Cry Wiki

This is a list of the cutscenes that play throughout Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening and its Special Edition.


Mission Name
DMC3 SE PROLOGUE cutscenes (Dante)
Prologue -Dante- (プロローグ・ダンテ, Prologue -Dante-?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 1 cutscenes
Opening (オープニング, Opening?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 1 cutscenes
The crazy party (パーティの始まり, The crazy party?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 2 cutscenes
Break out (事務所崩壊, Break out?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 2 cutscenes
Temen-ni-gru (テメンニグル出現, Temen-ni-gru?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 2 cutscenes
Chance Meeting (邂逅, Chance Meeting?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 3 cutscenes
Arkham & Vergil (アーカムとバージル, Arkham & Vergil?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 3 cutscenes
The Lady (レディ, The Lady?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 3 cutscenes
Cerberus (ケルベロス登場, Cerberus?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 3 cutscenes
Ice-chucks (三氷棍ケルベロス, Ice-chucks?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 3 cutscenes
First Contact (ファーストコンタクト, First Contact?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 4 cutscenes
The Uninvited (招かれざる客, The Uninvited?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 4 cutscenes
Jester (ジェスター登場, Jester?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 5 cutscenes
Jester's Gift (ジェスターからの贈り物, Jester's Gift?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 5 cutscenes
Agni & Rudra (アグニとルドラ, Agni & Rudra?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 5 cutscenes
Fire & Wind (炎風剣アグニ&ルドラ, Fire & Wind?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 6 cutscenes
Lady & Demons (レディと悪魔, Lady & Demons?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 6 cutscenes
Father & Daughter (因縁の親子, Father & Daughter?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 7 cutscenes
Dante & Lady (ダンテとレディ, Dante & Lady?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 7 cutscenes
Family Reunion (感動の再会, Family Reunion?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 7 cutscenes
Devil Trigger (魔人解放, Devil Trigger?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 8 cutscenes
Leviathan (巨魔リバイアサン, Leviathan?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 8 cutscenes
Divided (綻び, Divided?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 9 cutscenes
Limited Partnership (一時の共闘, Limited Partnership?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 9 cutscenes
Witch in Deep (深淵の魔女, Witch in Deep?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 9 cutscenes
Electric Blade (雷刃ネヴァン, Electric Blade?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 9 cutscenes
Welcome Back (“おかえり”, Welcome Back?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 10 cutscenes
Rebellion (裏切り, Rebellion?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 10 cutscenes
Tasks (責任ゆえに, Tasks?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 11 cutscenes
Bloody Words (血塗られた言葉, Bloody Words?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 11 cutscenes
Beowulf's Attack (ベオウルフ襲来, Beowulf's Attack?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 11 cutscenes
Beowulf's Retreat (ベオウルフ逃走, Beowulf's Retreat?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 11 cutscenes
Disappearing Act (消えた死体, Disappearing Act?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 12 cutscenes
Jester (ジェスター, Jester?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 12 cutscenes
Geryon (ゲリュオン登場, Geryon?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 12 cutscenes
Coliseum (再戦〜地下闘技場〜, Coliseum?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 12 cutscenes
Quick-Silver (クイックシルバースタイル, Quick-Silver?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 12 cutscenes
Gauntlets of Light (閃光装具ベオウルフ, Gauntlets of Light?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 13 cutscenes
Sacrificial Blood (捧げられた血, Sacrificial Blood?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 13 cutscenes
A Deadly Battle (兄弟の死闘, A Deadly Battle?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 13 cutscenes
The Truth Within (封印解除, The Truth Within?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 14 cutscenes
Welcome Chaos (テメンニグル、始動, Welcome Chaos?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 14 cutscenes
Determination (決意, Determination?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 14 cutscenes
Drive! (ドライブ!, Drive!?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 15 cutscenes
Separate Paths (それぞれの道, Separate Paths?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 15 cutscenes
The Demon World (アーカム、魔界へ, The Demon World?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 16 cutscenes
Apex (高揚, Apex?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 16 cutscenes
One Tough Lady (譲れぬ思い, One Tough Lady?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 16 cutscenes
The Request (魂に誓って, The Request?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 17 cutscenes
The Final Seal (最後の封印, The Final Seal?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 17 cutscenes
Another One (ドッペルゲンガー登場, Another One?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 17 cutscenes
Doppelganger (ドッペルゲンガースタイル, Doppelganger?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 18 cutscenes
Fly! (ダンテ、魔界へ, Fly!?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 18 cutscenes
Legendary Force (魔剣士スパーダの力, Legendary Force?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 19 cutscenes
Footsteps (足音, Footsteps?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 19 cutscenes
Arkham's Might (アーカムとの対決, Arkham's Might?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 19 cutscenes
Brothers (兄弟の共闘, Brothers?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 19 cutscenes
Jackpot! (ジャックポット!, Jackpot!?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 20 cutscenes
Thick as Blood (親子だからこそ, Thick as Blood?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 20 cutscenes
Soul Screamer (叫ぶ魂, Soul Screamer?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 20 cutscenes
Final Confrotation (決着, Final Confrotation?)
DMC3 SE MISSION 20 cutscenes
Ending (エンディング, Ending?)
DMC3 SE EPILOGUE cutscenes
Epilogue (エピローグ, Epilogue?)
DMC3 SE EXTRA cutscenes
Vergil & Devil King (バージルと魔帘, Vergil & Devil King?)


Mission Name
DMC3 SE PROLOGUE cutscenes (Vergil)
Prologue -Vergil- 1 (プロローグ・バージル1, Prologue -Vergil- 1?)
DMC3 SE PROLOGUE cutscenes (Vergil)
Prologue -Vergil- 2 (プロローグ・バージル2, Prologue -Vergil- 2?)


  • In the Devil May Cry 3 Trial Ver., there is a cutscene that plays out after the Cerberus is defeated, this scene is not present in the final version of the game nor its Special Edition.