Devil May Cry Wiki

Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening[]

Story Quotes[]

"Foolishness, Dante. Foolishness. Might controls everything. And without strength you can not protect anything. Let alone yourself."
―Vergil expressing his disappointment to Dante, after their fight atop Temen-ni-gru[src]
"Why isn't this working?! Is there something missing? Must more blood be shed?!"
―Vergil angry about the missing piece to open the Demon World[src]
Dante: I'm sure you have time for one more game, right?
Vergil: Why not, after all we share the same blood. I'll just use more of yours to undo daddy's little spell.
— Vergil and Dante prepare to fight in the Lair of Judgement, Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
"Insane buffoon! I don't know where you came from but you don't belong here. Now leave!"
―Vergil to Jester[src]
"I've come to retrieve my power. You can't handle it."
―Vergil to mutated Arkham[src]
"Unfortunately, our souls are at odds, brother. I need more power!"
―Vergil to Dante[src]
"No one can have this Dante. It's mine. It belongs to a son of Sparda. Leave me and go, if you don't want to be trapped in the Demon World. I'm staying. This place, was our father's home."
―Vergil as he prepares to fall over the edge[src]
"It'll be fun to fight with the Prince of Darkness. If my father did it... I should be able to do it too!"
―Vergil prepares to fight Mundus until his downfall[src]

Battle Quotes[]

  • Die!
  • Scum.
  • You are not worthy as my opponent.
  • This may be fun.
  • Now I'm (a little) motivated!
  • Blast!
  • Begone!
  • What's wrong?
  • Cut off!
  • You're going down.
  • Rest in peace...
  • You will not forget this devil's power!
  • Don't get so cocky.
  • This is the power of Sparda.
  • Ridiculous!
  • C'mon.
  • You shall die.
  • How boring!
  • Too easy.
  • Where's your motivation?
  • You will not forget this devil's power! You are not worthy as my opponent! - Vergil unleashing Devil Trigger
  • You're going down! HAAAAAAAGH!!! - Vergil in Devil Trigger
  • Don't get so cocky! - Vergil in Devil Trigger
  • You trash!
  • This is the end!

Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition[]

Story Quotes[]

"The Order of the Sword huh? They worship a demon as a god? Just what are your true intentions?"
―Vergil questioning the Order of the Sword's motives[src]
"Well, I can't exactly call them misguided. But soon they shall know this devil's power. A power greater than they ever imagined. The power of a son of Sparda."
―Vergil leaving Fortuna[src]

Battle Quotes[]

  • Die.
  • Scum.
  • So slow.
  • Blast!
  • Be gone!
  • Cut off!
  • Don't move.
  • You're finished!
  • Stand aside.
  • Down you go!
  • Rest in peace.
  • You are not worthy.
  • How boring.
  • Pathetic!
  • Fool!
  • Don't get cocky!
  • Stay where you are.
  • You're going down!
  • Go to hell!
  • It's over!
  • Good night!
  • Too late.
  • You shall die.
  • Kneel before me!
  • Fall, scum!
  • I need more power!
  • Your nightmare begins here.
  • Let's have some fun.
  • You think you stand a chance? Ha!
  • Show me your motivation.
  • *sigh* Disappointing.
  • You're wasting my time.
  • Time to die.
  • My power shall be absolute!
  • This shall be your grave.
  • I shall surpass Sparda.

Devil May Cry 5[]

Story Quotes[]

"I'm taking this back. I'm running out of time..."
―Vergil (in a distorted voice) reclaims Yamato from Nero as he prepares his getaway[src]
"It's nearly...time... At last...I will..."
―Vergil (in a distorted voice) on his way to his childhood house[src]
""...heavy chain, that does freeze my bones around!""
―Vergil reciting William Blake's "Earth's Answer" poem, as he performs senppuku/harakiri with Yamato bringing forth V and Urizen[src]
"Defeating you like this has no meaning. Heal your wounds, Dante. Get strong. After that, we'll settle the matter."
―Vergil's first words after being resurrected.[src]
"That day, if our positions were switched... Would our fates be different? Would I have your life, and you mine? Let's settle this... Dante."
―Vergil awaiting Dante's arrival[src]
"If you want it... then you'll have to take it. But you already knew that. How many times have we fought?"
―Vergil getting up from his "throne" as Dante arrived[src]
"I won't lose to the likes of you...little brother."
"Farewell, Dante."
―Vergil's first fight against Dante[src]
"All things end, Dante. Even us..."
―Vergil's final fight against Dante[src]
" rushing in blind all you can do?"
"Save that until you win, if you can."
―Vergil's response to Dante's taunt[src]
"My son... means nothing to me!"
"Nero is my son? Well, well... That was a long time ago."
―Vergil questions Nero's relation to him[src]
"If I beat Nero... Then by default, I beat you. Agreed, Dante?"
―Vergil before fighting Nero[src]
"This has nothing to do with you. Stand down."
―Vergil telling Nero to stay out[src]
―Vergil's response to Nero's answer[src]
"Of your existence? Or your strength?"
―Vergil questioning Nero[src]
―Vergil after being defeated by Nero[src]
"I can still fight. But if those roots continue to spread through town, it'll just interfere with our business."
―Vergil after fighting Nero and agreeing to stop the Qliphoth tree[src]
Dante: Better hurry up... We still got a score to settle.
Vergil: Evidently.
— Vergil and Dante prepare to leave Qliphoth, Devil May Cry 5
"Make haste, Dante."
―Vergil telling Dante to hurry up[src]
"I won't lose next time. Hold onto that until then."
―Vergil passing his book to Nero[src]
Dante: So, all we gotta do is cut this thing down?
Vergil: That's right. I'm more than capable of handling this on my own.
Dante: You're gonna need some help... And someone to keep an eye on you.
— Vergil and Dante in the Underworld, Devil May Cry 5
Dante: Wow, this thing got real big... You tryin' to compensate for something?
Vergil: Yes. Your incompetence.
— Vergil and Dante arrive in the Underworld, Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition
Dante: By the way, how'd it feel catching up with your kid?
Vergil: There's no need for us to "catch up."
— Vergil and Dante talks about Nero, Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition
Vergil: Useless pests, they must be ready to die!
Dante: Fine by me! Let's give'em what they want!
— fighting with Dante in the Underworld, Devil May Cry 5
"That's enough. I don't want to hear it. Now don't get in my way."
―Vergil prepares to destroy the Qliphoth alongside Dante[src]
"That's it. Time to die!"
―Vergil sparring with Dante[src]
Dante: Score for Dante! I'm up one.
Vergil: Where did you learn to count!? We're even.
— Vergil's mocking Dante's math skills in the Underworld, Devil May Cry 5
Vergil: You're sluggish... Are you still wounded from your fight with Nero?
Dante: You're one to talk!
— Vergil and Dante in the Underworld, Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition
Dante: C'mon! You know I was always better... with numbers!
Vergil: What?? You were never better... at anything!
— Vergil's mocking Dante's math skills again, Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition
"Maybe. We got plenty of time."
"Hmph, as if there was any doubt. Admit it, Dante. I'm just better than you."
Vergil: Don't you dare say it—
Dante: Jackpot!
— Vergil and Dante fighting together in the Underworld, Devil May Cry 5
Dante: Why you gotta leave me hangin'!? We used to love saying that.
Vergil: I have no recollection.
— Dante asking why Vergil didn't say Jackpot, Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition
Dante: Well lemme jog your memory. A little Vergil... crying in the corner because mommy got mad?
Vergil: I seem to recall YOU crying everytime father raised his voice.
— The twins talk about the issues with their parents, Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition
Dante: Hah! How would they feel if they saw us now?
Vergil: Why does it matter? We're still here aren't we?
Dante: Yeah, you're probably right.
— The brothers end their conversation, Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition

Battle Quotes[]

  • Die.
  • Scum![1]
  • Pointless!
  • Too slow.
  • So slow.
  • You're finished! - unleashing Judgement Cut
  • Don't move! - unleashing Judgement Cut
  • Down you go. - unleashing Judgement Cut
  • Ashes to ashes. - unleashing Judgement Cut[2]
  • Out of my way! - unleashing Judgement Cut[3]
  • Kneel before me! - unleashing Judgement Cut
  • Impossible!
  • Try to keep up.
  • Nice try!
  • I can do better!
  • You mock me...!
  • Be gone!
  • Fly![4]
  • Blast!
  • Get lost!
  • I know what I'm capable of.
  • Thank you for that... Now I shall give you death in return!
  • Fine! I suppose this how you wish to die.
  • You're just gonna stand there?
  • You wretch!
  • Cut you down.
  • I still got it.
  • Not bad...
  • Such a fool!
  • How strange...
  • Shall we begin?
  • You trash!
  • Go to hell.
  • Getting on my nerves!
  • I expected nothing less from my kin.
  • Too easy!
  • Dante...!!!
  • I'll hunt you down!
  • Jackpot! - after performing Perfect Judgement Cut three times in a row
  • Let's end this Dante. - when stabbing Dante
  • Just like old times. - when stabbing Dante
  • It's past your bedtime! - when stabbing Nero
  • Stay back, child. - when stabbing Nero
  • You disappoint me, Nero. - when stabbing Nero
  • Power... - channeling Dive Bomb
  • Prepare... to DIE! - unleashing Dive Bomb
  • Pathetic. - unleashing Void Slash
  • Exhilarating! - unleashing Void Slash
  • You're mine.
  • Juvenile.
  • I see you!
  • Eviscerate!
  • Stop where you are! - unleashing Yamato Stinger
  • Don't move. - unleashing Yamato Stinger or unleashing Judgement Cut
  • Stop moving! - unleashing Yamato Stinger
  • Don't get cocky.
  • Slice through.
  • This shall be your grave.
  • How boring. - performing Yamato Combo A while in Sin Devil Trigger
  • I'll cut you in two. - performing Yamato Combo A while in Sin Devil Trigger[5]
  • There is no escape! - unleashing Deep Stinger
  • Here goes... - unleashing Deep Stinger
  • Slay All... - unleashing Judgement Cut End
  • Eliminate All... - unleashing Judgement Cut End
  • You shall die! - unleashing Judgement Cut End
  • My power shall be absolute. - unleashing Judgement Cut End
  • Now you meet your end. - unleashing Judgement Cut End
  • Rest in peace. - unleashing Hell on Earth
  • Now I'm a little motivated. - unleashing Hell on Earth
  • Show me your motivation!
  • Clean cut! - while performing Mirage Edge Combo B
  • Shall I entrust it... to him? - Vergil pulling out his book questioning on giving it to Nero
  • Once more! I won't hold back. - when reviving
  • I won't fall again. - when reviving
  • I will not allow you to triumph! - when reviving
  • Fine... I'll expense some effort this time. - when reviving
  • How... pointless. - when defeated
  • How... disappointing. - when defeated
  • How could I... lose...? - when defeated
  • I still have much to do... - when defeated
  • It's over!
  • Is this...?
  • Now where do you go...?
  • Finally...[6]
  • Let's have some fun.[7]
  • *sigh* Disappointing!
  • You think you stand a chance?
  • There's no time for doubt... I know what must be done. - Vergil transforms the Yamato into Devil Bringer
  • I shall surpass Sparda.
  • Try me!
  • This barely even counts as a warm-up. - does a kick with Beowulf[8]
  • You're wasting my time.
  • Is that all? - pulling out Mirage Edge
  • Have you decided... which one of you will die first? - Lock-On Taunt
  • You think to make a fool of me? Pathetic! - Bloody Palace Taunt
  • How droll... that's enough! - EX Provocation Taunt
  • This. Is. Power! - transforming into his Sin Devil Trigger or unleashing the World of V
  • Your nightmare begins here! - transforming into his Sin Devil Trigger or unleashing World of V
  • We both spring from the same roots! - after returning to normal from World of V
  • Hold! - occasionally when changing Doppelganger speed
  • At ease. - occasionally when Doppelganger tricks back to Vergil when it's too far away
  • To me! - occasionally when Doppelganger tricks back to Vergil when it's too far away
  • So that's it... - after he defeats Dante in Mission 19
  • You shall die... - after he defeats Dante in Mission 19
  • You disappointed me, Dante. - after he defeats Dante in Mission 19
  • You fool. - after he defeats Nero in Mission 20
  • Is this the extent of your power? - after he defeats Nero in Mission 20
  • Pathetic, Nero. - after he defeats Nero in Mission 20
  1. used when Vergil uses Rapid Slash in Last Cloudia.
  2. used when Vergil uses Judgement Cut End in Last Cloudia.
  3. used when Vergil uses Judgement Cut in Last Cloudia.
  4. used when Vergil uses Rising Star in Last Cloudia.
  5. used when Vergil uses Judgement Cut End in Last Cloudia.
  6. used when Vergil wins a fight in Last Cloudia.
  7. used when Vergil is the selected character in a battle in Last Cloudia.
  8. used when Vergil clears a stage in Last Cloudia.